Beginning September 2023, White Earth Investment Initiative’s Community Development Services began offering free rental and financial wellness counseling to current tenants residing in properties managed by MMCDC. The sessions can benefit anybody, whether they’re currently renting, looking to rent, or looking buy a house, because it’s never too early to prepare for taking the next step.

Image of calculator, money clip, pen, and pad of paper.

The first session is approximately ninety minutes long and takes place at a WEII office in either Detroit Lakes or Ogema. Additional sessions typically run around 45 minutes. Counseling sessions are scheduled as needed, based on the tenant.

During the sessions, tenants can expect to discuss their housing goals, review their credit report, create a household budget, and craft an action plan for the future. 

Lead Community Services Coordinator, Sue Trnka, has met with ten tenants thus far and emphasized that the sessions are intended to be an empowering process: “They’re confidential and suited to each person’s needs.”

After WEII became certified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as a HUD-approved housing counseling agency, Trnka wanted to offer more counseling. Recently acquired funding allowed her to approach MMCDC’s property management team about renters in need of financial advising. From there, MMCDC’s staff began referring current renters to the program.

The counseling is made possible by support from the State of Minnesota, Minnesota Housing, Minnesota Homeownership Center, the Oweesta Corporation, and NeighborWorks America.

People interested in enrolling in the counseling or seeking more information should call 218-844-7029.